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PWN! PWN! PANG! Part2 --- Tool Usage

I'm going to tell you a secret that only smart people can see



After covering the basics (which don’t seem very basic), let’s talk about tools today

Since we are studying PWN under Linux, please perform the following operations under Linux

What if you only have Windows?

Small Tip: Some Linux distributions (like Kali) can be downloaded as ready-made virtual machine files from their official websites. If you haven’t installed a VM before (or are too lazy to), this method is worth trying

  • Option 2: Use WSL2 (Well, WSL2 is small in size and now comes with a GUI, but it’s not very comfortable to use compared with VMs)


pwndbg is a plugin for Linux GDB specifically designed for PWN, which helps us debug programs



Most Linux systems come with gdb pre-installed, but let’s just go over the installation process

Debian-based systems

sudo apt install gdb

yum-based systems Just switch to Debian ;)

sudo yum -y install centos-release-scl
sudo yum-config-manager --enable rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms
sudo yum -y install devtoolset-7
scl enable devtoolset-7 bash

After installing gdb, we can install pwndbg

git clone https://github.com/pwndbg/pwndbg.git
cd pwndbg

Note: Please do not delete or arbitrarily move the pwndbg directory, as it may cause pwndbg to not start properly

If pwndbg does not start properly after installation or a system update, please check the path

sudo vi ~/.gdbinit

After executing the command, you should see a line

source other_content/pwndbg/gdbinit.py

Make sure to change the content after source to the path of gdbinit.py in your pwndbg folder

Tip: If you wish to stop using pwndbg, simply remove this line


Most of the usage is similar to gdb. Here are a few frequently used commands

b function_name # set a breakpoint at a function
b *address # set a breakpoint at an address
r        # run
n        # execute the next instruction or skip a function
s        # step into a function
q        # quit gdb

As for the special features of pwndbg, they can be viewed using the pwndbg command

pwndbg command


This is a third-party Python library for pwn


You can install pwntools simply using

pip install pwntools

Don’t have pip? Hurry up and install Python 3!!! (Most Linux systems should have it pre-installed = = )


Use it just like any standard Python library

from pwn import *

Let me mention a few commonly used commands, qaq (others will be discussed as needed). Of course, it’s best to check the documentation

io = process("./program_name")  # Similar to "listening" to a local program with PWNTools, then use the 'io' variable for data transmission
io.send("content") # send data (no automatic newline at the end)
io.sendline("content")  # send a line of data (automatically adds a newline at the end)
io.recvline() # receive data, similar to the above two functions

# Note: In the PWN process, it's crucial to choose the above four commands based on the target program's input/output functions, as these subtle differences could prevent you from getting a shell

io.interactive()  # switch to interactive mode, where we can "enjoy the acquired Shell

PWN?PWN! Let’s Get Hands-On Experiences

Task: Familiarize yourself with the use of pwntools

Let’s run and see what this little program is all about ;)

PS: If the terminal indicates insufficient permissions, please give the program executable permissions

chmod +x tools

The little program looks like this


Pwntools is such an awesome python module, right?
Tell you a secret (only smart baby can see it) :
Maybe I will tell you again when you clever than ELSEpush ......

The program says: Pwntools is a great python module and wants to tell us a secret that only smart people can see

So how can we see this so-called secret? Running it directly won’t show it ()

Based on what we learned and the program’s output, we can deduce that we should use pwntools to view it

$ python3                  
Python 3.9.9 (main, Jan 12 2022, 16:10:51) 
[GCC 11.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from pwn import *

Since the program has no input, only output, we have to use recv() or recvline() functions, qaq


from pwn import *
io = process("./tools")

The whole process:

$ python3                  
Python 3.9.9 (main, Jan 12 2022, 16:10:51) 
[GCC 11.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from pwn import *
>>> io = process("./tools")
[x] Starting local process './tools'
[+] Starting local process './tools': pid 108320
>>> io.recvline()
[*] Process './tools' stopped with exit code 0 (pid 108320)
b'Pwntools is such an awesome python module, right?n'
>>> io.recvline()
b'Tell you a secret (only smart baby can see it) :n'
>>> io.recvline()
b'ZmxhZ3tuMHRfZjRzdGVyX3Q2YW5feTB1fQo=rMaybe I will tell you again when you clever than ELSEpush ......n'


The END= =

To Be Continued…

Part of the translations by GPT-4

Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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